The Dassault Falcon 900's history, innovation and perfection is drawn for the company's DNA. For more than 3 generations, the very same engineers, development teams and test pilotsthat build and validate their fighter jets, work to ensure that every Falcon delivered receives the strength, the durability, and the cutting-edge technology of a combat-ready aircraft.nnFalcon 900B serial number 63 is no exception to the rule. This low total time aircraft features MSP Engine warranty, along with the pedigree ownership of one of the United States longest established corporate flight deparments.nnIn December of 2013 the Aircraft completed the major 4C inspection of the airframe, along with a complete overhaul of the landing gear complied with at Duncan Aviation in Battlecreek Michigan.nnTo find out more about the merits of the Aircraft, Please do not hesitate to contact EQUUS GLOBAL AVIATION today, or visit our website at CONSIDERED ~ FINANCING AVAILABLEn